Some people think Im cheap, but Im really just
frugal. Theres a difference, you know. Cheap people hate spending money at all,
while frugal folks demand value for whatever they do spend. Cheap, frugal, whatever; the
cost of CDs has always bugged me. But Ive finally managed to do something about it.
And so can you!
Over the past year Ive made an amazing discovery that
Id like to share. Shhh -- its the record industrys dirty little secret: you
dont have to spend a fortune to buy a nice collection of classical music!
I was spurred into action last year by an all-too familiar sight:
the guy with the price gun hiking up top-line CDs yet another dollar. So I decided to try
a modest consumer experiment to see just how far the then-$17 cost of a new full-priced CD
could be stretched. My ground rules were simple: only new discs, no cutouts, and no bland
crossover compilations. I wanted the real stuff, but as cheaply as possible. And I meant cheap
(oops frugal).
The prospects at local record stores were discouraging. Their $10
mid-price discs were pretty pricey, and their so-called $8 budget labels were still well
beyond the budget I had in mind. Even their super-bargain $6 Naxos and $4 Seraphim labels
werent quite the super-bargain I sought.
Of course, there were also those bins of impossibly inexpensive
CDs at bookshops, supermarkets and drug stores. For years, Id passed them by with
only a furtive, disparaging glance. Their garish covers, no-name artists and hackneyed
repertoire screamed cheap in the worst way of having no appeal beyond their price tags.
And then my salvation appeared. Buried in the back of a Sunday
newspaper stuffer for an electronics chain was an ad for genuine classical CDs on the Pilz
Vienna Masters label. The price: an incredible 99 cents! And so it was that I went to
Circuit City ("Where the Streets Are Paved With Bargains") to grab my 17 CDs.
My expectations were low. This is the murkiest depth of the
classical retailing ocean, where the sunlight of reviews never penetrates and for whose
strange creatures no respectable collector would ever trawl. At this price the package
costs more than the contents and the performers names, when given, are not only
unfamiliar but often barely pronounceable. (Try this one three times fast: "Anton
Grcar and the Ljubljana Radio Symphony Orchestra").
Those same expectations, though, were buoyed by nostalgia.
Decades ago, when I started collecting records, full-priced LPs were well beyond my
allowance and all I could afford were the Columbia Harmony, London Richmond and RCA Camden
labels. Times have changed: back then the majors had a stranglehold on record retailing
and included in their "paperback" lines older items by top artists, whereas
nowadays independents fill the budget bins with unknowns. And yet, one fundamental thing
hasnt changed a bit: as I browsed, the only other customer was a kid with a backpack
who, in a certain karmic sense, I had once known quite well.
The store manager insisted that he breaks even on 99-cent CDs,
but that seems impossible. Clearly, these items are intended as loss leaders to lure
customers. It sure worked for me, but since the browsers were right by the cashier I
wasnt tempted to toss a $500 TV into my shopping cart. Some retailers could learn a
few things from the guys who design those Las Vegas casinos where you have to pass through
miles of slots to find the all-you-can-eat buffet.
Anyway, while reveling in my budget wonderland I was able to
assemble a far-flung collection of solos, duo sonatas, quartets, concertos, symphonies,
songs and even masses from the 12th through 20th centuries. All
turned out to be at least decent, and many were amazingly fine. I was so pleased that
Ive since bought dozens more. I even went on to splurge for the comparative
extravagance of $1.99 for the Eclipse Point Classics label and all of this for what
I often drop in a week on "normal" CDs.
So how come these frugal treasures dont smother their
pricier competition? Marketing prowess and aesthetic snobbery aside, theres a very
good reason.
Why do concert artists collect huge fees playing pieces their
audience already knows by heart? And why do collectors amass dozens of versions of their
favorite works? Because each says something unique and compelling. Many of these
performances, though, tend to lack the supreme insight that marks a genuinely great
interpretation. The notes are all there, but often without consummate inspiration.
Our greatest musicians further distinguish themselves through
exquisite attention to detail, a professional sheen honed through a lifetime of devoted
study and practice. The magic of editing has spoiled us even more, making us intolerant of
technical errors in the unforgiving permanence of modern records. Many of these discs
suffer from lapses of concentration that suggest inadequate preparation or an aversion to
As a result, few of these performances dominate their field. The
most successful present older music where a secure sense of style is more crucial than the
special touches of interpretive masters. The more complex sensibilities of romantic and
modern repertoire can prove more elusive. Even so, nearly every one of these discs is at
least competent to convey the overall sense of the music, and often quite well.
Ive revised this next paragraph a dozen times, and each one
seems as condescending as the last. But here goes. While some may appreciate a tangible
difference in style, inspiration and finesse between these discs and their pricier peers,
chances are you wont. Please dont be insulted; its just a fact of life.
Most people dont savor each word of a book they read; they dont study each
brushstroke of a painting they see; and they dont relish each note of the music they
hear. To the vast majority of casual listeners, such distinctions are far too subtle to
warrant a huge price differential.
The question of value just cant be ignored. Think about it
-- $17 is real money: a nice meal out, a movie date, a new shirt. But whats 99
cents? Just pocket change after youve bought something else. Which would you rather
have: a candy bar or an hour of great music to enjoy for the rest of your life (or, if you
believe the manufacturers, for the lives of your descendants unto the tenth generation)?
Hearing so many nice performances by utter unknowns made me
appreciate how much unsung talent must lie out there in the vast world beyond the major
artists publicity machines. But why should I have been so surprised? Just last year
my quiet, unassuming secretary blew me away with a lovely gospel tape she had made.
So whats good here? Some of these super-bargains rank right
up there with the very best regardless of price. These include superb collections of
baroque concerti by the Solisti de Zagreb (Pilz 105 and 229), sparkling Vivaldi on
original instruments by the Musici di San Marco (Point 267037), lush Bach violin concerti
by the Camarata Romana (Pilz 101), dramatic Bach toccatas by Christiane Jaccollet (Pilz
178), stylish Mozart flute concertos by the Salzburg Mozart Soloists (Point 265050),
elegant Scarlatti sonatas by Dubravka Tomsic (Point 265028), vigorous Haydn quartets by
the Caspar da Salo (Pilz 116 and 404), virtuostic Haydn cello concertos by Arto Noras
(Point 267179), spirited Mozart symphonies by the Mozart Festival Orchestra (Pilz 113 and
114), gleaming early Beethoven by the Bamberg Quartet (Point 267101), ravishing Debussy
and Ravel by the Travnicek Quartet (Point 267172) and delightful modern works for strings
by the Slovak Chamber Orchestra (Point 267189). All merit a permanent place on my shelves.
Others go well beyond the expected war-horses to present CD
firsts, including Gluck trio sonatas, Fasch and Krebs guitar concertos, a Suchon serenade
and the only recordings of anything at all by Godar and Lickl, who are not even listed in
the Schwann catalogue. Would I have ever risked $17 for such obscurities? Not a chance.
For 99 cents, though, Ive made lots of new musical friends.
But seasoned collectors are not the target audience for these
discs, and if youre just starting out theres plenty here for every taste and
For meditation, try Gregorian chant or music by Monteverdi,
Palestrina and Josquin Desprez. Although specifically composed centuries ago for the
Church, this mysterious, reverential music evokes the primal feelings of all religion.
For classy background music, go for baroque, with its steady
pulse, intertwining lines and constant invention. Youll enjoy anything by Bach or
Vivaldi, including harpsichord and organ solos and a wide diversity of concertos.
For intellectual stimulation, its hard to beat the
structural logic that underpins the music of the late 18th century. Nearly any
disc of Mozart and Haydn symphonies, concertos and quartets is worth exploring.
And if you just want to relax, try soothing piano collections of
Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, Schumann and Debussy, solo harp and guitar programs, and tons of
Strauss waltzes.
You can also find weightier stuff -- Beethoven, Brahms, Verdi,
Wagner, Bruckner and even Mahler. As an introduction to romantic operas, symphonies and
concertos theyre all certainly worth their tiny price, but the competition from
established artists here is much tougher. (Or, in the immortal words of Sly Stone:
"The higher the price, the nicer the nice.") Even so, you can still do quite
well by sticking to lighter fare: Mendelssohn piano concertos, Beethoven violin sonatas,
Schubert songs and Dvorak quartets, serenades and dances. And speaking of Dvorak, the best
buy in the entire series just may be his gorgeous Stabat Mater on a single
80-minute 99-cent CD (Pilz 104); most competing versions are sprawled over two full-priced
discs. Thats a saving of over 97%!
At these prices, you can get a yard-long shelf bulging with days
of great music for the cost of a mere handful of regular CDs. Its hard to go far
wrong (and even if you do, you can always use a nice new replacement jewelbox). Every one
of these discs makes a fine introduction to music youve always wanted to explore.
Theyll calm you after a rough day. Theyre nice background for reading.
Theyll add a touch of class to dinner. Theyll impress that special date.
Speaking of which, these CDs may not improve your sex life
(thats clearly beyond the scope of this column), but they just might improve your
mind. My sons science fair project found that classical outranked all other types of
music (and even silence) as an aid to memory and recall. So just think about that (while
listening to classical music, of course)!
Well, after my experiment ended the guy with the price gun struck
yet again. $18! So scan your local ads and dont hesitate. At 99 cents (or even
$1.99) you can afford to grab anything that looks even mildly interesting. Go ahead and
nudge the CD marketplace just a little closer to a semblance of value.
And always, always be proud to be a frugal music buyer!
OK, hopefully youre excited about getting some great music
for a pittance. If youre not already a classical buff, I envy you
theres a whole world of fabulous music out there waiting for you to discover.
In the expanded version of this column, Id like to provide
some specific suggestions among the hundred or so super-bargain CDs Ive bought. I
focussed on the Pilz and Point labels, simply because they seemed to have the broadest
selection and were widely available here. (OK, so Point also had pretty covers.) There are
lots more discs on these two labels, and other lines as well. Although Ive opted
mostly for complete works, youll also find plenty of themed compilations that can
serve well to introduce a genre (ballets) or set a specific mood (romance).
Distribution of these discs tends to be spotty. As I write this
(late March 99), our local Circuit Cities stock some of the Point CDs and another
extensive $1.99 series on Platinum Classical Gallery, but seem to have phased out the Pilz
label. (Our Towers carry Point but for $4.99, which not only defeats the whole purpose,
but also suggests the magnitude of their markup.) So cruise your local retailers; even if
you cant find these specific items, you may come across something comparable.
Its worth reemphasizing its so hard to go
wrong at these prices. Indeed, in the entire batch I bought so far Ive found only
three outright duds. One achieved the seemingly impossible task of making
Tchaikovskys super-charged 1812 Overture seem dull; another tortured Bach
harpsichord concertos with ridiculous balances and miserable sound (complete with dropouts
that belied alleged all-digital origins); and a collection of Gershwin "Virtuoso
Piano Music" tried so desperately to be crashingly virtuostic that it lost any hint
of Gershwins inimitable witty style. Even for $2 these were no bargain. But every
one of the others was at least enjoyable and certainly good value. Thats an enviable
rate of success, even among full-priced discs.
Its true that timings tend to be skimpy, with some discs
barely half full. And you wont get any performance notes, pictures or artist bios
(or even a booklet just a simple cover card). But to repeat my mantra you
just cant complain of such things for a measly one or two bucks.
Ratings are always highly subjective, but Ive tried to
leave aside my personal taste to focus upon whether a given disc is likely to satisfy
someone seeking a basic collection. Here are my five categories:
++: Wonderful at any price; a steal at $.99 or $1.99.
+: Very enjoyable; rivals the full-priced competition.
o: Decent enough to convey most of the musics essence.
-: Marginal, but still fair value for the price.
- -: Youre buying the jewelbox.
Good luck!!
Label & # |
Composer |
Principal work |
Principal Artists |
Rating |
Point 7146 |
(Anonymous) |
Gregorian Chant |
Slovenski Madrigalisti |
o |
Pilz 160 |
(Various) |
Fascination of the Harp |
Anna Lelkes |
+ |
Point 7151 |
(Various) |
Guitar Favorites |
Dakko Petrinjak |
+ |
Pilz 261 |
(Various) |
Music of the Gothic Period |
Collegium Aldovadensis |
o |
Pilz 171 |
(Various) |
Popular Overtures, vol 2 |
Suddeutsche Philharmonia, Scholz |
- |
Point 7070 |
(Various) |
Trumpet Concertos |
Quinque, Camerata Romana, Gmur |
o |
Pilz 407 |
Bach |
Brandenburg Concertos 1-3 |
Philharmonia Slavonia, Brazda |
+ |
Pilz 408 |
Bach |
Brandenburg Concertos 4-6 |
Philharmonia Slavonia, Brazda |
+ |
Point 7123 |
Bach |
Concertos for 1 and 3 Cembali |
Camerata Romana, Duvier |
- |
Point 7168 |
Bach |
Famous Organ Works |
Ivan Sokol |
o |
Pilz 117 |
Bach |
Famous Organ Works, vol. 1 |
Otto Winter? (disc says M Spanyi) |
+ |
Pilz 401 |
Bach |
Famous Organ Works, vol. 2 |
Otto Winter? (disc says M Spanyi) |
++ |
Point 7167 |
Bach |
Flute Sonatas |
Jurkovic, Ruzickova, Alexander |
o |
Point 5016 |
Bach |
French Suite 6, Partita in b |
Christiane Jaccottet |
+ |
Point 5011 |
Bach |
Goldberg Variations |
Christiane Jaccottet |
+ |
Point 7005 |
Bach |
Harpsichord Concertos |
Kraus, Camerata Romana, Duvier |
- - |
Pilz 134 |
Bach |
Inventions, Sinfonias |
Christiane Jaccottet |
++ |
Point 7006 |
Bach |
Suites for Orchestra 1 & 2 |
Camerata Romana, Duvier |
+ |
Point 5032 |
Bach |
Toccata and Fugue ("Dorian") |
Miklos Spanyi |
+ |
Pilz 178 |
Bach |
Toccatas |
Christiane Jaccottet |
++ |
Pilz 101 |
Bach |
Violin Concertos |
Brezina, Camerata Romana, Duvier |
++ |
Point 7166 |
Bach, CPE |
Flute Concertos |
Jurkovic, Slovak Chamber Orch |
+ |
Point 7165 |
Bach, CPE |
Harpsichord Concertos |
Cattarino, Slovak Chamber Orch |
+ |
Point 7004 |
Bach, JC |
Sinfonias, Bassoon Concerto |
Camerata Bohemia; Cam. Romana |
+ |
Point 7232 |
Bartok |
Folk Dances; String Quartet 2 |
L. Marcinger; Takacs Quartet |
o |
Pilz 263 |
Beethoven |
Famous Variations, Bagatelles |
Metzger, Goldmann |
o |
Point 7169 |
Beethoven |
Mass in C Major |
Slovak Phil Orch & Choir, Nanut |
o |
Point 7010 |
Beethoven |
Piano and String Quartets |
Bamberg Quartet |
++ |
Point 7013 |
Beethoven |
Sonatas for Violin and Piano |
Werner Riessman, Dieter Goldman |
++ |
Pilz 152 |
Beethoven |
Symphonies 1 & 7 |
Rundfunk-Orch. Ljubljana, Nanut |
+ |
Point 7012 |
Beethoven |
The Creatures of Prometheus |
ORF-Symphony Orchestra, Horvat |
+ |
Pilz 180 |
Beethoven |
Violin/Piano Sonatas 5 & 9 |
Leon Spierer, Ernst Groschl |
+ |
Point 5081 |
Brahms |
Hungarian Dances |
London Festival Orchestra, Cantieri |
o |
Point 7189 |
Britten |
Simple Symphony |
Slovak Chamber Orch., Warchal |
++ |
Point 7017 |
Bruckner |
Symphony # 2 |
Suddeutsche Philh., Zanotelli |
- |
Pilz 253 |
Bruckner |
Symphony # 4 |
Philharmonia Slavonica, Adolph |
+ |
Pilz 206 |
Chopin |
Impromptus, Nocturnes |
Dubravka Tomsic |
+ |
Pilz 207 |
Chopin |
World Famous Piano Music 2 |
Ida Czernicka |
+ |
Point 7129 |
Corelli |
4 Concerti Grossi |
I Solisti di Zagreb |
o |
Point 7171 |
Corrette |
Concertos for Organ |
Michalko, Slovak Ch Or, Warchal |
+ |
Pilz 130 |
Debussy |
Piano Works |
Peter Schmalfuss |
- |
Point 7172 |
Debussy |
String Quartet (& Ravel Qt) |
Travnicek Quartet |
++ |
Point 7117 |
Desprez |
Motets (& Palestrina Masses) |
ORF Choir, Preinfalk |
o |
Pilz 313 |
Dvorak |
Serenade, Slavonic Dances |
Pro Arte Orchester, Rudel |
+ |
Point 7174 |
Dvorak |
Slavonic Dances (2 Pianos) |
P. Toperczer, M. Lapsansky |
+ |
Pilz 104 |
Dvorak |
Stabat Mater |
Radio-Symph. Ljubljana, Munih |
o |
Point 7175 |
Dvorak |
String Quartets 10 & 12 |
Travnicek Quartet |
o |
Pilz 314 |
Dvorak |
Symphony 4, Slavonic Dances |
Bohmisches Staatsorch., Bogunia |
- |
Point 7133 |
Falla |
El Amor Brujo (& Turina Trio) |
Radio Sym. Ljubljana; Trio Lorenz |
+ |
Point 7192 |
Fasch, etc |
Guitar Concertos |
Zsapka, Slovak Ch Orch, Warchal |
+ |
Point 7176 |
Franck |
Organ Works |
Jan Vladimir Michalko |
o |
Point 5041 |
Gershwin |
Virtuoso Piano Music |
Mario-Ratko Delorko |
- - |
Point 7177 |
Gluck |
Trio Sonatas |
Simciski, Plaskurova, Dubiasova |
+ |
Point 7078 |
Godar |
Concerto Grosso, Partita |
Capella Istropolitana |
- |
Pilz 315 |
Grieg |
From Holbergs Time |
Slawakische Philharmonie, Pesek |
+ |
Pilz 168 |
Handel |
Concerti Grossi, Op 6, # 1-4 |
Norddeutsche Philharmonie |
+ |
Point 5016 |
Handel |
Concerto Grosso, Op 6, # 1-4 |
N German Philharmonic, Zanotelli |
+ |
Point 5019 |
Handel |
Concerto Grosso, Op 6, # 5-8 |
N German Philharmonic, Zanotelli |
+ |
Point 5018 |
Handel |
Concerto Grosso, Op 6, # 9-12 |
N German Philharmonic, Zanotelli |
+ |
Pilz 236 |
Handel |
Organ Concertos; Suite in G |
Biber, Munchner Kammerorchester |
o |
Point 7115 |
Handel |
Water Music; Royal Fireworks |
Nuremberg Sym Orch, Gmur |
o |
Pilz 154 |
Handel |
Water Music; Royal Fireworks |
Suddeutsche Philharmonie, Pitamic |
o |
Point 7179 |
Haydn |
Cello Concertos |
Noras, Slovak Chamber Orchestra |
++ |
Pilz 119 |
Haydn |
Divertimentos |
Stuttgarter Blaserquintett |
+ |
Point 7153 |
Haydn |
Flute & Trumpet Concertos |
Grcar, Goldmann |
- |
Point 7108 |
Haydn |
Highlights from "The Creation" |
Noordhollands Choir, Poznan Philh. |
o |
Point 7180 |
Haydn |
Organ Concertos |
Klinda, Slovak Ch Orch, Warchal |
+ |
Point 5039 |
Haydn |
String Quartets #s 1, 67, 77 |
Caspar da Salo Quartet |
+ |
Pilz 404 |
Haydn |
String Quartets, Op 64, #s 1-3 |
Caspar da Salo Quartet |
++ |
Pilz 116 |
Haydn |
String Quartets, Op 64, #s 4-6 |
Caspar da Salo Quartet |
++ |
Pilz 301 |
Haydn |
Symphonies 6, 7 & 8 |
Musici de San Marco, A Lizzio |
o |
Pilz 173 |
Haydn |
Symphony # 94 ("Surprise") |
Philharmonia Slavonica, A Scholz |
+ |
Pilz 265 |
Haydn |
Trumpet Conc., Syms. 30 & 45 |
Camerata Romana |
o |
Point 7020 |
Hindemith |
Ludus Tonalis, Violin Sonata |
D. Goldmann, B. Zwicker |
+ |
Point 7225 |
Hindemith |
Sonatas for Flute, Horn, Organ |
B. Keith, Z. Tyslar, I. Sokol |
+ |
Point 7182 |
Mendelssohn |
Piano Concertos |
Cernecka, Slovak Philh, Dohnanyi |
+ |
Pilz 210 |
Mendelssohn |
Symphonies 4 & 5 |
(performers not identified) |
o |
Point 7025 |
Monteverdi |
Madrigali; Missa |
Musicum Aldovadensis; ORF-Chor |
+ |
Pilz 185 |
Mozart |
Church Music |
(Various) |
o |
Pilz 422 |
Mozart |
Flute & Flute/Harp Concertos |
Jancovic, Mozart Festival Orchestra |
+ |
Point 5050 |
Mozart |
Flute Concertos |
Tatu, Salzburg Mozart Soloists |
++ |
Pilz 184 |
Mozart |
Flute Quartets |
Jankowic, Salzberger Solisten |
o |
Point 5056 |
Mozart |
Organ Music; German Dances |
Harald Feller, Capella Istropolitana |
+ |
Pilz 212 |
Mozart |
Piano Concertos # 9 & 17 |
Hokanson, Camerata Labacensis |
+ |
Pilz 269 |
Mozart |
Pieces for Piano and Spinnet |
Lang; Molzer; Groschel; Steurer |
- |
Pilz 183 |
Mozart |
Salzburg Symphonies |
Suddeutsche Philharmonie, Lizzio |
o |
Point 7137 |
Mozart |
Sinfonia Concertante for Winds |
Camerata Academica, von Pitamic |
+ |
Point 7144 |
Mozart |
Sonatas for Violin and Piano |
Bruno Zwicker, Rosel Molzer |
+ |
Pilz 131 |
Mozart |
Sonatas, Fantasies, Rondos |
Peter Schmalfuss |
+ |
Pilz 226 |
Mozart |
String Quartets, Vol. 2 |
Mozarteum Quartet Salzburg |
+ |
Point 5083 |
Mozart |
Symphonies 16, 18 & 22 |
Camerata Academica |
+ |
Pilz 114 |
Mozart |
Symphonies 21, 30 & 33 |
Mozart Festival Orchestra, Lizzio |
++ |
Pilz 113 |
Mozart |
Symphonies 22, 24 & 29 |
Mozart Festival Orchestra, Lizzio |
++ |
Point 5042 |
Nietzsche |
Songs (& by Liszt, Wolf, Satie) |
(unidentified baritone, pianist) |
+ |
Pilz 238 |
Palestrina |
Missa Brevis (& Bach Suite #1) |
Osterreichischen Rundfunks |
o |
Point 5028 |
Scarlatti |
Piano Sonatas |
Dubravka Tomsic |
++ |
Point 5068 |
Schubert |
"Trout" Quintet, Quartet # 13 |
Caspar da Salo Quartet |
++ |
Pilz 172 |
Schubert |
Die Winterreise (song cycle) |
Rudolf Knoll, (pianist unidentified) |
+ |
Pilz 240 |
Schubert |
German Mass, Symphony # 6 |
Mozarteum Chor, Munich Sym Or |
o |
Pilz 126 |
Schubert |
Impromptus |
Sylvia Capova |
+ |
Pilz 270 |
Schubert |
Schwanengesang (song cycle) |
Rudolf Knoll, Hugo Steurer |
+ |
Pilz 158 |
Schubert |
Wanderer, Symphony # 4 |
H. Steurer; Philh. Orch. Bamberg |
+ |
Pilz 321 |
Schumann |
Fantasiestucke |
P. Schmalfuss, B. Sitzius |
+ |
Point 5089 |
Schumann |
Piano Sonata # 3 |
Edith Picht-Axenfield |
+ |
Point 5017 |
Schutz |
St. Matthew Passion |
Wurttemberg Chamber Choir, Kurz |
o |
Point 7187 |
Smetana |
String Quartets 1 & 2 |
Travnicek Quartet |
+ |
Point 7186 |
Stamitz |
Concertos |
Camerata Romana |
+ |
Point 5084 |
Strauss |
Music From Vienna I |
Vienna Volksoper, Cantieri |
+ |
Point 5085 |
Strauss |
Music From Vienna II |
Vienna Volksoper, Cantieri |
+ |
Point 5086 |
Strauss |
Music From Vienna III |
Vienna Volksoper, Cantieri |
+ |
Pilz 303 |
Strauss |
Unforgettable Melodies, vol. 1 |
Weiner Volksoper Orchester, Falk |
+ |
Pilz 304 |
Strauss |
Unforgettable Melodies, vol. 2 |
Weiner Volksoper Orchester, Falk |
+ |
Pilz 305 |
Strauss |
Unforgettable Melodies, vol. 3 |
Weiner Volksoper Orch, Michalski |
+ |
Pilz 244 |
Tchaikovsky |
Piano Concerto; 1812 Overture |
Czernecka, London Festival Orch. |
- - |
Point 7030 |
Telemann |
Tafelmusik # 1, La Lyra |
Camerata Romana, Duvier, Gmur |
+ |
Pilz 157 |
Telemann |
Tafelmusik, Vol. 1 |
Camerata Romana, Duvier |
+ |
Point 7039 |
Vivaldi |
Concertos |
Camerata Romana, Duvier |
o |
Point 5005 |
Vivaldi |
Concertos |
Musici de San Marco, Lizzio |
o |
Point 7037 |
Vivaldi |
Concertos on Authentic Instrs |
Musici di San Marco, Lizzio |
++ |
Pilz 229 |
Vivaldi |
Famous Concertos |
I Solisti di Zagreb |
++ |
Point 7036 |
Vivaldi |
LEstro Armonico, # 1 - 7 |
Camerata Romana, Duvier |
+ |
Point 7038 |
Vivaldi |
LEstro Armonico, # 8 - 12 |
Camerata Romana, Duvier |
+ |
Pilz 109 |
Vivaldi |
The Four Seasons |
Musici di San Marco, A Lizzio |
+ |
Pilz 173 |
Vivaldi, et al |
Baroque Treasures |
I Solisti di Zagreb |
++ |
Point 7041 |
Weber |
Clarinet Concerto, Quintet |
Schlegel, Philh. Slavonica, Adolph |
o |
Copyright 1999 by Peter Gutmann