Note: All stills are frame enlargements of a first-generation 16 mm copy (produced by Renovare and distributed by Pyramid) of the paper print held by the Library of Congress Copyright Office. I improved the contrast and sharpness with Photoshop where appropriate to compensate for overexposure and weak focus on the 16 mm copy. The main title may have been reconstructed, and probably is a negative image, as titles on original Biograph prints of this era have white lettering in a different font on a black background.

The main title & Scene 1 – Dollie with her parents |

Scene 2 – The Gypsy spurned – the Father fights him off |

Scene 3 – The Gypsy & his wounds |

Scene 4 – Some badmitten – Dollie is abducted |

Scene 5 – Father and friend in pursuit |

Scene 6 – Dollie in the barrel – a fruitless search – into the wagon |

Scene 7 – a fast getaway |

Scene 8 – crossing the stream – the barrel falls out |

Scenes 9 & 10 – floating downstream – over the waterfall |

Scenes 11 & 12 – further downstream |

Scene 13 – Dollie gets ashore and is reunited with her parents |
Copyright 2009 by Peter Gutmann